Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Move In With Boyfriend Before He Learns Basic Chores

Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Move In With Boyfriend Before He Learns Basic Chores

The decision to move in with someone is always a risky business as no matter how well you think you know them, you never really know what they’re like at home until you actually start living with them. Would they keep things so neat that you could potentially eat off the floor or are they one of those people who might turn the premises into a biohazard? Will you be left handling all the chores yourself and will it be an absolute joy to even do the dishes with them? Of course, the stakes get much higher when it’s a romantic partner you’re planning to move in with as the answers to these questions could make or break the relationship.

If you’ve ever agreed to move in with someone, you know it’s a risky business. No matter how well you think you know someone, you can’t know what they’re like at home until you start living with them – and that’s exactly what happened with Reddit user u/napsandhugs.

Fortunately for her, a red flag presented itself before she even moved in. Namely, she shared that her 24-year-old boyfriend can’t do any basic household chores, and she asked if she was in the wrong for refusing to teach him.
She wrote that they’ve been dating for a while and they’ve been thinking about moving in together. However, she realized that he can’t do any basic household chores by himself. Yes, not even one! She realized that his mom does every household chore for him, so she was wondering if she was in the wrong for refusing to teach him.
Check out the story for yourself and decide if she’s in the wrong or not.


Expectedly, most people voted that she’s not the a-hole, and they believe her boyfriend is a total a-hole. So, they believe that she’s right to call for them to wait for them to move in together.

Source: Upworthy


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