Husband ‘Brags’ About Making His 7-Months Pregnant Wife Work Out, Gets Schooled By Twitter

Husband ‘Brags’ About Making His 7-Months Pregnant Wife Work Out, Gets Schooled By Twitter

Travis D. Hughes is a real-estate lawyer that recently proudly shared on Twitter that his wife, who is almost 7 months pregnant, wasn’t in the mood to work out that morning. Rather than lecture to her, though, the husband just “threw on the exercise video and did it with her”.

Hughes probably expected people to applaud him for what he did, and yes, we must admit that having a partner that helps us and encourages us to do something good for ourselves is probably welcome. What the internet absolutely hated was the fact that the real-estate lawyer described his motivational technique as ‘unique’ because he didn’t “lecture to her, resent her, or whine about it”.

Errm, what? Why on earth would someone ever say, or even think about those things? Resent your own 7-months pregnant wife for not wanting to work out?

Luckily, the Twitter-sphere recognized his b-s (yes, call me crazy, but this is absolute b-s behavior in my book), and that’s basically what everyone else thought about the “motivational” tweet.


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