Any person that’s gone through pregnancy knows how emotionally and physically challenging it is. However, as much as we go through the pregnancy alone, it’s very important to have someone Read more
Any person that’s gone through pregnancy knows how emotionally and physically challenging it is. However, as much as we go through the pregnancy alone, it’s very important to have someone Read more
When kids get older, many parents (especially in the US) wonder if it’s appropriate to charge their teenage sons and daughters rent. However, there’s no ‘one answer fits all’ to Read more
One mom decided to take it to Reddit’s Am I The A-hole subreddit to ask an important question. Namely, she shared that she and her husband have been together for Read more
As much as we love working from home, we must admit that it has some flaws. Regardless of where you live, chances are that there will be some interruptions if Read more
We often hear the word ‘toxic’ alongside the word ‘masculinity’. The term toxic masculinity has been widely used on the internet in the last few years, and it highlights the Read more
We often ask ourselves if we should be completely honest with our feelings, or should we just do our best to hide them so that we don’t offend anyone? Well, Read more
How can you know for sure that the person you love actually likes you? I mean, how can you know for sure? There are always a few ‘what ifs’ and Read more
Even though some people have chosen to become parents, it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone’s ready for the task, or even that they want to have kids in the first Read more
Reports say that more than 85 percent of women in the US experience some form of street aggravation. However, even though it can be profound, it’s still commonly normalized even Read more
Eric Amunga that goes by the Twitter name @Amerix is a self-proclaimed fat loss coach, a reproductive medicine specialist, and men’s health consultant. He’s based in Western Kenya, and he Read more