Wife Demands a Gender-Neutral Name For Their Baby In Case She Wants To Transition, Husband Disagrees

Wife Demands a Gender-Neutral Name For Their Baby In Case She Wants To Transition, Husband Disagrees

Some say that your name determines the fortune in your life, while others don’t believe in any of that and say that a name is just a name.
Well, whatever you want to believe it, choosing a name for your baby can be a challenging task. Of course, you want to be perfect, but nothing is perfect in this world – and chances are that some won’t like it.

Reddit user u/TWbabyname (throwaway account, obviously) recently shared his story on the Am I The A-hole subreddit and asked for people’s judgment.
Namely, he asked fellow Redditors if he was in the wrong for not giving he and his SO’s baby daughter a gender-neutral name. Without further ado, we invite you to check out the story for yourself and decide if he’s in the wrong here or not:

Most people agreed that he’s not the a-hole in this situation, and there’s nothing wrong with giving a baby girl ‘a girl’s name’.


Julie Lineberger

Name her Jules!

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